
Mahsa Aleph

…I continue; at some point the battle of objective reality and my subjective experience comes to an end, and the residues in the potential state of material become the narrator, not as a real storyteller, but as something that is positioned in the place of a narrator. More than narrating themselves for others, the residues lay themselves bare vis-à-vis their own selves. Everything is imperfect and only absence can fill the empty place.

Mahsa Aleph, from “The Remains” series, artists handwriting in plexiglass box, the text “…I continue; at some point the battle of objective reality and my subjective experience comes to an end, and the residues in the potential state of material become the narrator, not as a real storyteller, but as something that is positioned in the place of a narrator. more than narrating themselves for others, the residues lay themselves bare vis-à-vis their own selves. everything is imperfect and only absence can fill the empty place.”, 2018
Mahsa Aleph, from “The Remains” series, installation view, 2018
Mahsa Aleph, “1360”, from “The Remains” series, oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm, 2018
Mahsa Aleph, “1373”, from “The Remains” series, oil on canvas, 100 x 140 cm, 2018
Mahsa Aleph, “1377 / 1395 / 1373”, from “The Remains” series, oil on canvas, triptych, size: each 50 x 70 cm, 2018
Mahsa Aleph, “The Aleph Archive”, from “The Remains” series, installation view, 2018