
Arya Tabandehpoor

Throughout his career, Arya Tabandehpour has always been seeking to define himself by exploring the disturbed relationship between man, nature, and technology. Using codes and polarizers, he considers the dominance of machines over all aspects of human life. In another part of the work and using an interactive apparatus, he examines the eternal relationship between human’s return to nature and how nature regenerates humans. He may not find a definite answers to his questions; nonetheless, he realizes that man, for whom technology now used as a narcotic to ease the pain, can find the only remedy in nature.

Arya Tabandehpoor, “Unnatural Elements”, from “Retooling” series, lcd monitor, metal frame, stepper motor, arduino board, drivers, wires, switch, ball bearing, screws, power adaptor, roller, double-sides tape,
rail, belt, polarized filter, 44 x 36 x 22 cm, unique edition, 2018
Arya Tabandehpoor, “Physical Reflection”, from “Retooling” series, c print on metallic paper, electric motor,
sensors, electric circuits, power adaptor, and wiring in plexiglass boxes, 55 x 33 x 11 cm, unique edition, 2020
Asia Now 2021, installation view
Asia Now 2021, installation view