Mehdi Moradpour was born in 1988 in Qazvin. He has studied photography in Iranian Youth Cinema Society in 2009, and electrical engineering in the Azad University of Qazvin. Moradpour has participated in numerous exhibitions, and was short-listed for the private photography festival of “Second Hand” in the winter of 2015. He also was nominated for the prize, and also one of the seven young talents of Sheed Award of 2015.
“The Spaces Between”
Nature is that which humans have no role in creating them; it is the dialectic between the human mind and the world of objects. Humans have always wanted to bring nature into their surroundings, yet they are destroying it every day. Attempting to represent wild nature in human’s living spaces on the one hand, and the destruction of nature on the other, has put man in an in-between space. New laws for preventing the destruction of nature is being passed every day, yet it is destroyed more and more all the same. Each day, more than 5.3 million tons of trash in generated in the world, which is three times more than the ‘60’s. A sort of interference with and subversion of nature, leaving things and useless objects, and also a kind of wear and deterioration, can be seen in the midst of it all. It is as if the objects that are thrown away, with their crooked shapes, have been unified with nature, like one of its members.