
Zahra Ghyasi

Being an exception is not necessarily an advantage, while it cannot always be a cause for omission and denial. The birth of a difference in the biological community can be the cause of decay or destruction. Alternatively, it can open the door to untrodden paths. Genetic mutation is one of the occurrences that entail this duality. Somewhere it mutates the species to further its success and sometimes it is ignored like an illegitimate child, for it leads to an evolutionary dead end.
These drawings have an eye on the history of painting flowers and plants and, in view of specific historical artifacts, seek to depict mutant plants and their visual features.

“Planetary Boundaries”
The drawings of “Planetary Boundaries” series represent plants that are mutated as a result of direct or indirect presence of humans in the world. With a botanical approach, the drawings lead to images of plants exposed to radioactivity and those created in recent years with genetic engineering technologies.

Second to speech, counting was one of the first actions that made humans aware of the world around them, enabling them to interpret it and share it with other human beings. The earliest known record of counting dates back to fifty thousand years ago; since then, we have been able to count, organize, and classify things around us. In order to make sense of the images we see in the world, they turn into digits, some of which are conscious, while others, like biological calculations, are performed subconsciously. In these drawings, by accumulating a large number of quinary symbols, I have represented the first images probably considered meaningful by humans. There are scenes of cave life and the tools that cave dwellers used.

Zahra Ghyasi, Dandelions”, from “Divergence” series, ink on chinese paper, 40 x 40 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi , “Daisies”, from “Divergence” series, ink on chinese paper, 40 x 40 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi , “Apples”, from “Divergence” series, ink on chinese paper, 40 x 40 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi , “Asparagus”, from “Divergence” series, ink on chinese paper, 40 x 40 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Black Petunia”, from “Planetary Boundaries” series, ink and watercolor on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Radioactive Daisies”, from “Planetary Boundaries” series, ink and watercolor on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Radioactive Rose”, from “Planetary Boundaries” series, ink and watercolor on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Radioactive Daisies”, from “Planetary Boundaries” series, ink and watercolor on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Transgenic Cotton”, from “Planetary Boundaries” series, ink and watercolor on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Purple Carnation”, from “Planetary Boundaries” series, ink and watercolor on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Radioactive Mushrooms”, from “Planetary Boundaries” series, ink and watercolor on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2020
Zahra Ghyasi, “Cavescape No. 2”, from “Arithmomania” series, pencil on paper, 42 x 54.5 cm, 2019
Zahra Ghyasi, “Cavescape No. 1”, from “Arithmomania” series, pencil on paper, 38.5 x 50.5 cm, 2019
Zahra Ghyasi, “Cavescape No. 3”, from “Arithmomania” series, pencil on paper, 36 x 35 cm, 2019
Zahra Ghyasi, “Cavescape No. 4”, from “Arithmomania” series, pencil on paper, 36 x 35 cm, 2019
Zahra Ghyasi, “Cavescape No. 5”, from “Arithmomania” series, pencil on paper, 36 x 35 cm, 2019
Zahra Ghyasi, “Deer”, from “Arithmomania” series, pencil on paper, 33 x 41 cm, 2019
Zahra Ghyasi, “Occidentalogy / Orientology”, pen and ink on colored paper, 41.5 x 45.5 cm, 2019
“Locus” series, installation view, 2020
“Locus” series, installation view, 2020
“Locus” series, installation view, 2020
“Locus” series, installation view, 2020
“Locus” series, installation view, 2020